Next Property Roadmap
Systematically Find Deals
Our weekly activity tracker that gets you to your first (or next) deal.
First, fill out details about your situation and preferences.
Then we’ll give you a step-by-step plan to finding your first (or next) deal using our Driving for Dollars strategy.
We’ll tell you what to do, how to do it, and how long to do it before you’re all-but-guaranteed to find a fix & flip deal. Say goodbye to uncertainty.
Find out how it all works by attending our next webinar.

Custom Plan For Your Situation
Do you want to work five hours a week or 20 hours a week?
Are you going to knock doors, make phone calls, or send postcards?
Are you a beginner, intermediate, or expert? How much money will you invest? Input all this and you’ll get access to your custom deal-finding plan.
Find out how it all works by attending our next webinar.

Week-By-Week Assignments
Based on your situation, the software will give you weekly assignments to complete.
You’ll check back in each week and input what you did and didn’t do.
Then at the end of your specified time-frame, we can be reasonably certain you’ll have a profitable deal to move forward with.
You’re also able to track benchmarks like leads, conversations, prospects, appointments, offers, and contracts so you can see if you’re keeping pace.
There’s nothing like a tangible course of action to keep you motivated!
Find out how it all works by attending our next webinar.

You Decide When You Want Your Next Deal
How long it takes to find a deal depends on your experience level, preferred strategies, budget, and available time.
You want a deal in four weeks, but with only free strategies? Be prepared to work.
If you want a deal in 12 weeks but you’ve got a decent budget to work with? You might only need five hours per week.
The point is, you get to decide.
Find out how it all works by attending our next webinar.

Based on Thousands of Deals
The Next Property Roadmap calculates numbers based on our CEO’s experience from having participated in over a thousand deals. Our members have found it to be very accurate.
Find out how it all works by attending our next webinar.